Current Weather
Conditions:Temperature: 23.4°C
Rainfall: 0mm
Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise: 06:22:00 amSunset: 07:56:00 pm
Surf Report
Conditions:Wind: 9km/h
Beach Patrol Hours
Stay safe by swimming at beaches when lifeguards are on patrol
Bondi Beach
June–September; 7am–5pm
Mid September–May; 6am–7pm
Bronte Beach
June–September; 7am–5pm
Mid September–May; 6am–7pm
Tamarama Beach
June–September; 8.30 am–5pm
Mid September–May; 8.30am–7pm
Beach Tips & Rules
The beach is fun for everyone!
Remember these tips and rules when you visit:
- Only swim between the red and yellow flags.
- Watch our for signs to help you. Avoid swimming where you see the Dangerous Current sign.
- Protect yourself from the sun. Always wear a hat, sunglasses, a shirt and factor 30+ sunscreen.
- Smoking and alcohol are not allowed on the beach.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Never leave your valuables unattended, please go to the local Police Station to report your theft. Report lost / stolen items here!
- Click here to download a pdf for Beach Safety Tips
Ocean Pools
Waverley Council cleans the pools located at North Bondi and Bronte Beach. Below are the latest cleaning schedules.
North Bondi Rock Pool
Located at the North end of the beach just below the grassy knoll lies simple rock pools perfect for young kids who are not confident in the surf. The perfect place for young families to chill.
Bronte Pool
One of the most photographed ocean pools in Sydney. This 30 m pool is carved into the cliff face and naturally beautiful. One not to be missed.
Bronte Bogey Hole
The Bogey Hole is next to the Bronte Baths and is a naturally formed rock pool. The best time to go is around high tide.
Children enjoy walking on the rocks in low tide looking for crabs and sea urchins.
Beach Volleyball
Beach Volleyball can be played at both Tamarama and Bondi Beaches. The images below show the Volleyball Area’s (only area on beach that the nets can be set up). There is no booking system, and the area is available for recreation volleyball only.
Users are asked to be mindful of other groups, and please note the appropriate guidelines;
- It is at the absolute discretion of Council officers to limit the number of courts and location of courts
- When there is potential for conflict with other beach users, the number of volleyball courts will be limited at discretion of Council Staff.
- NO commercial activity/provider
- NO organised competition
- NO bookings taken
- NO vehicles may enter the park to unload or load equipment
- Temporary nets only i.e. no permanent fixtures
- Soft balls must be used
- Must not conflict with other beach users
- Volleyball courts must be set up at the back of the beach as shown in each of the diagrams. No more than four nets set up at Tamarama and three nets set up at Bondi Beach
- Volleyball courts must not block any access points to the beach
COUNCIL RANGERS: 0414 884 393 OR 9083 8340